Explore Wyoming

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Wyoming has a long-standing history in the Oil & Gas industry, with numerous productive plays spanning across many counties. We focus on specific areas in Wyoming where we have the highest levels of expertise, enabling us to leverage our knowledge to create maximum value for mineral owners. Over the past decade, mineral owners have experienced significant growth in leasing and drilling activities. This surge is a direct result of advancements in drilling and completion technologies, alongside substantial capital investments. However, one thing that has become clear over the last 10 years is that not all mineral acreage is the same. Commodity prices can fluctuate dramatically, and the quality of operators varies. We believe that empowering mineral owners with clear, relevant information is essential to help them evaluate the value of their minerals and make informed decisions.

What is the Powder River Basin?

The Powder River Basin (PRB) is an elongated, asymmetric syncline located in the northeastern part of Wyoming. With early oil production dating back to the 1900s, the PRB has a long history of significant oil production. More recently, horizontal wells have been drilled in multiple unconventional formations, marking the beginning of a new era of oil and gas production in the basin.

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Mineral Location

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PRB: Parkman Sandstone

The Parkman Sandstone is a deltaic complex composed of interstratified sandstone, siltstone, and shale, which lies above the extensive marine shelf deposits of the Steele Shale. The primary porosity and permeability of the potential reservoir were initially inhibited prior to petroleum generation, migration, and accumulation. However, in areas where porosity and permeability remained intact, petroleum generation, migration, and accumulation were able to occur.

PRB: Cody Shale Group

The Cody Shale Group was deposited during the Late Cretaceous period. The upper portions of the group consist of buff, sandy shale, and thinly laminated buff sandstone. As the deposition progresses downward, the lithology transitions to dark grey, thin-bedded marine shale. Hydrocarbon reservoirs within the Cody Shale Group occur in stratigraphic traps across multiple productive intervals.

  • Sussex SS - Composed of sandstone and lesser shale and siltstone and is typically interpreted as having been deposited as bar complexes in a shelf environment
  • Shannon SS - Consists of sandstone and occasional interbedded siltstone and shale deposited in shore-face and shelf-bar environments indicative of an overall eastward progradation of clastic sediments.
  • Turner SS - consists of one or more coarsening-upward units of fine- to medium-grained sandstone interbedded with sandy shale.

PRB: Frontier Shale

The Frontier Shale was deposited during the Upper Cretaceous and is an important productive formation in the Powder River Basin. Sediments were laid down in a shallow-water marine environment over a seafloor with varied topography.

PRB: Muddy Sandstone

The Muddy Sandstone formation consists of multiple structured depositional environments that create effective stratigraphic reservoirs. These environments are a result of changes in paleo-sea levels, which led to the formation of delta-distributary channels (at very low sea levels), tidal flat deposits (at low sea levels), and barrier island deposits (at higher sea levels).

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We traditionally pay a lump sum of cash within 10 business days after you sign the purchase and sale agreement.


What is the DJ Basin?

The DJ Basin is an asymmetric structural basin covering 70,000 square miles, consisting of stacked intervals of oil and gas-saturated reservoirs. Over the past 120 years, conventional vertical drilling has yielded significant volumes of oil and gas. Recently, operators have adopted modern drilling and completion techniques to extract resources from unconventional saturated reservoirs. Current well results within the core of the Wattenburg Field continue to demonstrate consistent and economic production. With substantial stacked intervals of pay, the DJ Basin allows for high well densities, leading to elevated rates of recoverable oil and gas. Operators can often utilize pad drilling, which minimizes surface locations while maximizing the drilling of up to 32 wellbores from a single pad. This capability enhances productivity and creates an efficient market for oil and gas production.

Target Formations

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DJ Basin: Niobrara

The Niobrara was deposited during the Western Interior Seaway, a depositional event that was ideal for the creation of organic-rich laminated source rocks. Throughout the deposition process, the Niobrara experienced multiple unique sedimentary environments influenced by changes in sea levels and climate. These conditions generated alternating chalk and marl sequences, which are divided into three main sections. Each of these sections consists of one chalk interval and one marl interval.

The chalk intervals, known as the "A," "B," and "C" benches, represent the primary productive targets within the Niobrara and are responsible for the majority of the productive intervals in the DJ Basin.

DJ Basin: Codell Sandstone

The Codell Sand was deposited during a significant regression of sea level. During this period, large amounts of siliciclastic material were interbedded, forming fine-grained sand. This process resulted in a reservoir system with relatively high porosity but low permeability, making it an important oil and gas reservoir.

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Where We Help Create Value

We focus on areas that we know best in order to provide the highest level of expertise.

Investigate Where we buy


TRP Minerals is a dedicated advocate for mineral owners, working tirelessly to help them create value. We aim to empower mineral owners with the information they need to make informed decisions and seize the best opportunities to realize the full value of their minerals. Unlike many mineral acquisition companies, who provide offer prices without supporting material or explanation, our goal is to show you exactly how the oil and gas industry evaluates mineral interests.


Land Evaluation


Land Evaluation


Lease Evaluation


Lease Evaluation


Geologic Evaluation


Geologic Evaluation


Engineering Evaluation


Engineering Evaluation


Financial Evaluation


Financial Evaluation

Our team of experts will evaluate where your minerals are located.

Your mineral location matters as it relates to some of the variables below:

  • Proximity to pipelines to transport oil and gas
  • Rural vs. Urban
  • State and County Regulations
  • Accessibility

The terms of a lease matter! We will use the terms of your lease to help create value for your minerals.

Below are important lease provisions that can increase the value of your minerals:

  • Type Curve (Production Profile)
  • Well Performance
  • State and County Regulations
  • Available Drilling Locations

We work very hard to know the geology of your minerals to better understand their value.

The geology under your minerals matter as it relates to some of the variables below:

  • Porosity
  • Permeability
  • Total Organic Content
  • Thermal Maturity

We diligently work to understand the engineering associated with your minerals.

The engineering associated with your minerals matter as it relates to some of the variables below:

  • PDP (Current Production)
  • PUDs (Future Production)
  • Analogous Wells
  • Type Curve

Our team of experts will evaluate your minerals to create a fair and transparent offer, every time!

Your mineral valuation matters as it relates to some of the variables below:

  • Type Curve (Production Profile)
  • Well Performance
  • State and County Regulations
  • Available Drilling Locations

Why Sell Your Minerals

We aim to empower you with the best information and knowledge, helping you make informed decisions to capture the highest value for your minerals.

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Mineral Location

Need a little help figuring out where your minerals are located? LEARN MORE

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Explore Wyoming

Learn • Explore • Be Empowered

Wyoming has a deep-rooted history in the Oil & Gas Industry throughout multiple productive plays that expand most counties. We concentrate on specific areas in Wyoming that we have the highest levels of expertise in so that we can maximize our knowledge to best create value for minerals owners. Within the last 10 years, mineral owners have seen a tremendous growth in leasing and drilling activities. This newfound activity is a direct result of efficient drilling and completion technologies in conjunction with incredible capital budgets. One thing that has become clear in the past 10 years is that not all mineral acreage is the same, commodity prices can swing dramatically, and certain operators are better than others. We believe that empowering mineral owners with concise and relevant information to help evaluate the value of their minerals is of the upmost importance.

What is the Powder River Basin?

The Powder River Basin ("PRB") is an elongated, asymmetric syncline located in the northeastern portion of Wyoming. With early production dating back to the 1900's, the PRB has seen extensive oil production. Recently, horizontal wells have been drilled in multiple unconventional formation leading to a new era of oil and gas production in the basin.


PRB: Parkman Sandstone

The Parkman Sandstone is composed of a deltaic complex of interstratified sandstone, siltstone, and shale that overlies the extensive marine shelf deposits of the Steele Shale. Effective primary porosity and permeability of the potential reservoir has been inhibited prior to petroleum generation, migration, and accumulation. However, where porosity and permeability were able to remain intact, petroleum generation, migration, and accumulation occurred.

PRB: Cody Shale Group

The Cody Shale Group was deposited in the Late Cretaceous period. The younger (upper portions) of the Cody Shale group is made up of buff, sandy shale, and thinly laminated buff sandstone. The older the deposition occurred the lithology begins to be dark grey, thin-bedded marine shale. The hydrocarbon reservoirs occur in stratigraphic traps of multiple productive intervals.

  • Sussex SS - Composed of sandstone and lesser shale and siltstone and is typically interpreted as having been deposited as bar complexes in a shelf environment
  • Shannon SS - Consists of sandstone and occasional interbedded siltstone and shale deposited in shore-face and shelf-bar environments indicative of an overall eastward progradation of clastic sediments.
  • Turner SS - consists of one or more coarsening-upward units of fine- to medium-grained sandstone interbedded with sandy shale.

PRB: Frontier Shale

The Frontier Shale was deposited in the upper Cretaceous and is an important productive formation in the Powder River Basin. Sediments were deposited in a shallow-water marine environment on a sea bottom that had a varied topography.

PRB: Muddy Sandstone

The Muddy Sand Stone formation consist of multiple structed depositional environments creating effective stratigraphic reservoirs. The depositional environments are composed from the increase or decrease of the paleo-sea creating delta-distributary channels (very low sea level), tidal flat deposits, (low sea level), and barrier island deposits (higher sea level).


We traditionally pay a lump sum of cash within 10 business days after you sign the purchase and sale agreement.

What is the DJ Basin?

The DJ is an asymmetric structural basin comprised of 70,000 square miles of stacked intervals of oil and gas saturated reservoirs. Over the last 120 years, conventional vertical drilling has produced significant volumes of oil and gas. Recently, operators have utilized modern drilling and completion techniques to produce oil and gas in unconventional saturated reservoirs. Current well results within the core of the Wattenburg Field continue to show consistent and economic production. With significant stacked intervals of pay, the DJ allows for significant well densities allowing for high rate of recoverable Oil and Gas. In many cases, operators can utilize pad drilling where they are capable of minimizing surface locations while maximizing the drilling of upwards of 32 wellbores. The ability to have high productivity from one pad create an efficient market for Oil and Gas production.

Target Formations


DJ Basin: Niobrara

The Niobrara was deposited during the Western Interior Seaway. This deposition event was ideal to create organic-rich laminated sources. Over the period of deposition, the Niobrara had multiple unique sedimentary environments influenced by sea level changes and climate changes that generated alternating chalk and marl sequences broken into 3 main sections. These three sections are comprised of one chalk and one marl interval. majority of the productive intervals within the DJ. The Chalk intervals, known as the "A", "B", and "C" benches, are the primary productive targets within the Niobrara.

DJ Basin: Codell Sandstone

The Codell Sand was deposited during a large regression of sea level. During the deposition period, large siliciclastic material was inter-bedded to form fine-grained sand resulting in a relatively high porosity but low permeability oil and gas reservoir system.


We strive to help facilitate your decisions so that you are empowered with the best information and knowledge so that you can capture the highest value of your minerals.


TRP Minerals is an advocate for mineral owners and works diligently to help mineral owners create value. As a result, we try to empower mineral owners with the information they need to determine the best opportunity to realize the value of their minerals. Most mineral acquisition companies will provide an offer price with no back up material or methodology have how they came up with the offer. Our goal is to show you exactly how the oil and gas industry evaluates mineral interest.


Land Evaluation

Our team of experts will evaluate where your minerals are located.

Your mineral location matters as it relates to some of the variables below:

  • Proximity to pipelines to transport oil and gas
  • Rural vs. Urban
  • State and County Regulations
  • Accessibility

Lease Evaluation

We will use the terms of your lease to help create value for your minerals.

Below are important lease provisions that can increase the value of your minerals:

  • Type Curve (Production Profile)
  • Well Performance
  • State and County Regulations
  • Available Drilling Locations

Geologic Evaluation

We work very hard to know the geology of your minerals to better understand their value.

The geology under your minerals matter as it relates to some of the variables below:

  • Porosity
  • Permeability
  • Total Organic Content
  • Thermal Maturity

Engineering Evaluation

We diligently work to understand the engineering associated with your minerals.

The engineering associated with your minerals matter as it relates to some of the variables below:

  • PDP (Current Production)
  • PUDs (Future Production)
  • Analogous Wells
  • Type Curve

Financial Evaluation

Our team of experts will evaluate your minerals to create a fair and transparent offer.

Your mineral valuation matters as it relates to some of the variables below:

  • Type Curve (Production Profile)
  • Well Performance
  • State and County Regulations
  • Available Drilling Locations


Mineral Location

Need a little help figuring out where your minerals are located?
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